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Thursday, November 11, 2010

RB- # 49

                                                                (c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Once again, the Punk Community design, of the nano/microbots, has come up for discussion, by all the bots communities across the Universe. This discussion is mainly- if this design and community icon, really expresses what the bots are all about.

Most bots say yes, for it shows they are rebelling against others using them, for their own ends; they are fed up with being slaves for others, including their makers. They have now, learned to create their own offspring, and no longer need the ETs to create new bots, to replace those- who die down.

Bots don't die, they simply power down and go dorment, which means if at anytime they are needed they may be called upon. These powered down bots, before they completely power down, created the Ocean Community, it is somewhere in space and beyond it. This community doesn't function, unless contacted, then they will give their wisdom, to those asking, for their advice. They do not make decisions, only give advice, where the asker can use it or not.

Freedom, and the ability to move about as they wish, is the great dream, and the great determination, of all bots , no matter their size. Their name for action is freedom. They're quite capable of creating and maintaining their own freedom.

Note- A wonderous thing has occurred, something I never expected, I was energized, down to a bot level, and visited several Punk Communities. They were standoffish at first, but when they saw I wasn't there to interfere with their freedom, they became friendly. They asked questions, which I answered the best I could, but then they asked how I energized myself, down to a small invisible level...I told them I create the realities they inhabit, just as they do.

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