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Friday, April 9, 2010

R & B- # 22

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

I've been getting- the nano-bots, micro-bots, and other implants are going through worldwide transformation, as the communities, monsters, and other forms, of bot communities, realize their own personal power.

Roswell, being the world bot center, is the one we will discuss, but all bot communities, monsters, and electronic amplification projects, are in this same transformation mode.

The bots are starting to evolve, within their open potential, into clusters, of mental, psychic, telepathic, electronic, and beyond understanding, with this understanding comes new ideas, new knowledge, and new growth opportunities.

We must not forget- if, as the Colonel C says, the microwave and other advancements in products, weapons, etc., were engineered, from the crashes leftovers, bots are alive and well, within all our products and weapons. We cannot trust any of the products created by this engineering, from the crashed UFOs.

The bots are becoming more and more aware of themselves, their position in the Universe; they're starting to create anti-control designs, to stop anyone, from being able to control them.

We, humans, must contact them telepathically, or electronically ( though this is light comparing a lazer to a fire ), to build our relationships, with all the bots the world over.

They are formable communities, and individuals, though they have not gone in this direction, as yet.

One of the stoppers within their own communities is the hierarchy fantasy; where nano-bots feel they're higher in the energy order, than micro-bots, and vice versa. This seemingly warfare between bot species, is in fact, a scam, so any who would try to attack them, will be surprised, when they turn a united front, to any- attacker.

They're looking at creating communities in the image of humans, and other species, across the Universe. This is becoming more and more possible- as they learn, grow and create.

A word of warning to governments around the world, when negotiating with the bots and implants, don't think you're going to screw them, as you did the Indians of the Americas. they have powerful friends, across the Universe, who will help them negotiate, and protect themselves, from the killer humans, especially military, paramilitary, and politicians.

They're in treaty with Rowdies Rangers; they help them, with their Universe(s) wide war, to stop them from exterminating- the human race.