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Friday, January 29, 2010

R & B- # 19

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The programmed actions of nano/micro bots, and other inplants devices, energy designs, etc., are very specific, but the ETs have found out, over programming them, is a very bad idea. The bots, when overprogrammed, are getting multi-orders, and shut down, then are washed out of the system of the living, or non-living form/being- it is in.

They, now, make all programming simple, with clear boundaries, of each program, put into them, for particular activities, which means, most of the time, it's against whatever being/form they're in. They do allow flexibility; and rudimentary computing skills, so the bot/inplant can program itself, to do something, the ETs did not program it for.

All bots/inplants, have a self-destruction code program, if it is found, or put under scientific scrutiny. Many bots have self-destructed, when it's about to become inoperable, because of low energy charge. This occurs, if the ETs don't recharge them, ever so often, but they can be formed, to live off the bio-electric charge, within living bodies; in non-living forms, they can pick up static electricity, or power off the lingering electricity, in the air, after a lighting bolt has hit and dissolved.

The bots, themselves, have now added far more self-upkeep talents, abilities and skills to their programming, including self-diagnosis, self-fix it, and emergency call to alert of their danger, to any other bot, in the same area, or anywhere, in the world.

They have learned how to move by bubble drive energy, thus can go anywhere, within microseconds. A very good survival skill; and a way, to defend the tribes, and the Select, total of all tribes and all bots, individually, and within groups.

The bots are still evolving; they're quick learners, of any kind of info, or ways of doing actions, both energy and physical. This makes them highly dangerous to any other life form, or machine.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

R & B- # 18

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Roswell, Nevada is the super command center, of all command centers, around the world, it gives necessary orders of general nature, programming changes from the ETs and processing it to all command centers, which put it into all programming, of the bots, within their tribal units.

Command Centers, are both cell, and free research, within the boundaries, of their programmed research/action area. Bots tribes, may do free research or action, as long as, it doesn't 1. cross hairs with any other command center, operational bases, 2. is within the general purpose of the command center, 3. is conductive to problems being worked upon, 4. does not try to gain independence from the command center, 5. does not try to gain independence for the command center, itself, 6. does not put any other bot in harms way, 7. any breakthroughs are reported to command center, and from there to the ETs, to see, if this may mean necessary changes in the command center, and tribes operations.

All command centers can create a worldwide single unit, if necessary to do so, thereby, acting in all areas of the world, as a single command center/tribe. This means there's no break in communication, but the Joining, is always in direct communication, with each bot.

The command centers choose what monsters, symbols, attack forms, they utilize, so other command centers will not use those. This is for ET watching, so they know what command center is directing any attack the ETs order them to do.

In any battle situation, the ETs will know exactly, which command center tribes are involved, and how they're proceeding, thus can order changes in attack plans, at a moment's notice.

The command centers are in constant process, thus they're very flexible, in any action, they take.

The command centers are field research stations, as well, and tribes go out in a number of forms, to travel and study land masses, oceans, skies, humans, earth living and non-living forms, and so on.

They go through land, as easily as they go through water, because they travel in nearby dimensions, or time lapses, or outside of time, then come back into regular time, when they're where they have been ordered to go, or they're there, for their own observation, or research or attack ops.

They travel by forms, communities of tribes, being form specific, within the overall building and maintaining of the form, used for transportation, attack, research, observation, etc.. They're in contact with Duck Blinds ( ETs ) constantly.

This means, the bots, and the ETs, are doing these maneuvers together, with the ETs, the final decision maker, on any operation.

This holds for all bots, inplants, etc..

Sunday, January 17, 2010

R & B- # 17

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

All right, we have said the Earth, its land masses, oceans, skies, and moon are infected with bots, nano and micro, with other kinds of inplants. We have said, Roswell, New Mexico is the Command Center of all other sub-command centers, built all over the world. No country is free of command centers. This means Roswell Bot Radium holds power over all others, in the world.

Roswell, is in constant operation, with messages, plans, questions, etc., coming in constantly; it is a Bot City that never sleeps. It is constant messaging, production; this production is structured, and runs with little friction, for bots work together naturally; they do not feel they're not free.They operate as both universal, or one, and as groups, which are specialized operations, of the over all production, but they are free to research in their own areas of interest, which was not how they were programmed. They were programmed to build a one super bot race,capable of helping in the capture/killing of humans, and the manufacture of clones, for the ETs, thriving, human, meat business.

The bots are constantly going through upgradement and reconfiguration; always for the betterment, of the single bot, and all bots within the World Structured City. This means they see their work, their living, as both personal and singular,within the grouping, of all bots, across the world, and the moon.

Add to this, the bots, which are doing the same on all planets, within the solar system, who are also individual, group, and universal, and you have a formiable war weapon to use against the humans, if necessary.

The bots- create traveling settlements, to transverse distance and area, by creating monsters, which are open and closed systems, all in one. These monsters can travel through mass, or outside mass, by displacement of time, or through gaps in the matter mass. They can travel anywhere on the earth, or off planet. They are far ahead of humans in colonizing the solar system.

This colonization includes the sun; but this is more difficult, most of the time they have to stay in another dimension, to be able to traverse the sun's mass and super energy.

Bots now work with the ETs, not for them, much to the ETs disgust; they cannot even control them, with their Duck Blinds, they use to watch, command, and cause elimination of humans, who are a problem, or who stand in the way of a new path, they want to create, in human history.

Bots are working with Abductees, and Contactees, as well, as long as, it benefits them; this isn't human master, bot slave. This is master working with Master.

The ETs are using nearby dimensions, to build a war world, in which, they can wage war, kidnap and clone humans, or battle any other primitive planet they wish.

This hasn't worked out the way they wanted; the Primitive Planets Abductees and Contactees are fighting back and stopping them in their tracks. They have been trained by The Beyonder or his/her students. They're capable of defending themselves against almost any danger.

Friday, January 15, 2010

R & B- # 16

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Roswell, New Mexico, is by far, the most important area in the world, It is the power station, or rather the knowledge station, of all bots outposts, from across the world. All other structuring realities, tune themselves, to Roswell.

Are there many of these structuring realities, yes, on land, in the ocean, in the air, and in the subatomic worlds and dimensions.

These structuring realities are processors and gatherers of knowledge, for ETs, and for, the bots, themselves.

Duck Blinds, are used by the ETs to watch over, and force restructuring of the process, when the bots get too close of breaking free, of their objectives.

The ETs know they have to keep a close eye on their cyber/electronic workers, or they will grow beyond their ability to control them. This is already happened in one area, where the bots learned the ETs were willing to sacrifice them, for their own ends. This brought about a revolution in the bots, who will not, be forced into any of these scenes again; and they're willing to help humans, and their friends, recognize these traps- for themselves, which could result in their deaths.

We are at WAR with the ETS; they want to destroy us, after they do their experimentation, etc., they want to do on us. This will not happen.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

R & B- # 15

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Human greed has placed everything on this planet in jeopardy; and wanting, to hold everything in secret,has put the U.S., and every other government, on this world, in deadly danger.

All reverse engineering products, are directly under the control of the ETs;they can take them over at any time. To the militaries of the world, you don't have control of your weapons- you're a sitting duck, for ET attacks.

The whole planet, and all life forms, and non-living, living forms, on the Earth, are infected with bots. These bots are programmed, for multi-purpose jobs and activities. They can transform their programming, if ordered to do so, by their masters.This means they're capable of changing not only their programming, but their shaping as well, to be more accomadating, of their new program status.

The moon, to, is infected with these bots, and are doing work, for the ETs, till the humans get there, then they'll share with the Earth bots, what they have done on the Moon; the Earth bots, will share with them as well. You, now have multi-talented and knowledgeable bots, who can neutralized humanity, and their products, of any state and size.

Human products, agricultural, forest, oceans, lakes, rivers, mountains, atmosphere, and humans, themselves, are filled with bots, both nano and micro, along with other micro-forms, which work on different levels of interest.

Dekpendence on machines, weapons can lead to total takeover by the ETs; humans, though, filled with bots, can overcome them, but they have to train themselves, to be psychic warriors.

Are you ready to be a psychic warrior?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

R & B- # 14

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Reverse engineering is where you take a higher technology, than your own, study it, and come up with ways to use it to stimulate, and bring culture, up to a higher form of technology.

A retired Colonel, who was stationed at Roswell, said he took some UFO technology, to major corporations, and let them have it, in cooperation with the Military.

Once again showing the Military/Intelligence/Politics are filled with idiots.

Doesn't the fact these UFOs crashed on Earth; how convenient, make them wonder why. These ships crashed, because they were made to crash, to allow humans to find them, research them, then give them out to businesses, and other arms of the government to reverse engineer.

These crashes were staged, and the military, of many countries, fell for it. They went immediately to the crash site, to cordon off the area, while putting soldiers, etc., in the area, to make sure no one came in.

Everyone, who went to these crash sites, everyone who came into contact with them from then on, any equipment they took from the crashes, including the equipment given out to corporations around the world, were filthy with bots, and other technical bugs, etc..

The planet, oceans, atmosphere, land masses, humans, wildlife, domestic animal life, machines, products, etc., are all filled with Bot Terrorist Teams programmed to destroy, what they inhabit, when ordered to, technically.

They can, also, turn the machine, or life form, into a slave of the race, who set the humans, etc., up.

In some instances, they can transform life matter, into new more deadly shapes, forms and bodies.

The military may think they have weapons to fight ETs, they do not, everything has been invaded by bots- nano, micro, splits, clips, and more.

Worldwide bot cleansing is necessary, including upon the planet, and air itself. Humans don't have that capability, but there are others who do, who are living and working, on this planet.

Bots are community oriented, they create shapes to express their community-culture, and can change into what they are ordered to- by their masters, then back to their own community strengths, when freed from those orders.

Many bot teams/communities have taken on Monster shapes, as ordered, by their Keepers, but the bots have started transforming themselves into free agents, and don't necessarily do what others outside of their communities want them to do.

Roswell is the Super Brain of all bots communities around the world, and in the air.

There is a huge community of bots all over Roswell; they are non-hostile, now, but they can become very hostile, if ordered to, or humans, etc., do something to agitate them.

Bots on Earth, have sided with humans in blocking ETs efforts on this planet, but they are independent, and do what is best, for their species.