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Friday, January 29, 2010

R & B- # 19

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The programmed actions of nano/micro bots, and other inplants devices, energy designs, etc., are very specific, but the ETs have found out, over programming them, is a very bad idea. The bots, when overprogrammed, are getting multi-orders, and shut down, then are washed out of the system of the living, or non-living form/being- it is in.

They, now, make all programming simple, with clear boundaries, of each program, put into them, for particular activities, which means, most of the time, it's against whatever being/form they're in. They do allow flexibility; and rudimentary computing skills, so the bot/inplant can program itself, to do something, the ETs did not program it for.

All bots/inplants, have a self-destruction code program, if it is found, or put under scientific scrutiny. Many bots have self-destructed, when it's about to become inoperable, because of low energy charge. This occurs, if the ETs don't recharge them, ever so often, but they can be formed, to live off the bio-electric charge, within living bodies; in non-living forms, they can pick up static electricity, or power off the lingering electricity, in the air, after a lighting bolt has hit and dissolved.

The bots, themselves, have now added far more self-upkeep talents, abilities and skills to their programming, including self-diagnosis, self-fix it, and emergency call to alert of their danger, to any other bot, in the same area, or anywhere, in the world.

They have learned how to move by bubble drive energy, thus can go anywhere, within microseconds. A very good survival skill; and a way, to defend the tribes, and the Select, total of all tribes and all bots, individually, and within groups.

The bots are still evolving; they're quick learners, of any kind of info, or ways of doing actions, both energy and physical. This makes them highly dangerous to any other life form, or machine.

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