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Sunday, November 15, 2009

R&B- 4

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2009

One of the ways, we know something is going on, and this something, has to do with hotspots of UFO interest, is when, spaceships are seen testing the land, as if looking, for something. That something is nanobots, microbots, slips, etc., now alive, and living well, in the total ecosystems, of the planet.

Every life form, and non-living life form, has these bots, within their form structure; they are benevolent, most of the time, but they can be malicious. This means computers, the internet, intranets, etc., all have these bots, within them.

Energy producers, carriers, etc., have bots within them; military machines, planes, tanks, etc., all have bots, within them.

Dams, lakes, reservoirs, oceans, seas, deserts, populated areas, islands, ice, underground caves, planet core, etc., all have been infested, with these bots.

Everywhere we have sent rockets, or rovers, if they didn't have these bots, they do now. Thanks to human engineering; and visitation.

Human activity can be directed by these bots: 1. if the bots want to go somewhere- they use their influence to direct the human to their goal, usually within the human interests, or will be, when they experience, this goal, 2. at night, commands are given to humans, that can help or interfere, with their daily living and sleeping, 3. daytime- suggestions, commands can be given to the bots, and the bots, give them out to the humans, from ETs, 4. environment spot- where you go, can be used to influence you, subliminally, where bots, within the spot, are given orders, to pass on to you, through wireless energy transmission/telepathic transmission, 5. during sexual encounters, bots pass from one person to another, and vice versa, 6. in driving autos, trucks, 182wheelers, etc., bots travel the world, getting off, when they want, or when ordered to by their ET masters, 7. in conferences, summits, meetings, trade meetings/paperwork, concerts, gatherings, happenings, clubs, work, theaters, movie theaters, etc..

In other words, bots are free moving; they can go anywhere, by transfering from one life form/non-living life form to another, or travel by air, etc.. There is no place they cannot go.

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