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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

RB- # 30

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

The thing to remember about these groups, they're very permissible, meaning the flow of different bots, in and out, of any group,depends on their work, at that particular moment.

This means the bots nations, are very flexible,and cross-culturally independent,the bots are not set in standard ways: teamwork, processing stability, etc.. They're very independent; they're capable of communicating tetra-gigs of data, and showing free thought, from lower to highest level. This was not definitely not the plan of the Constellation, and any other, ET race or group.

The bots are very aware; they see to it, whatever they see, and feel- is important, or have been sectionized, on finding, and sharing, with the whole team, they want every bot- to be up to date.

Their nation structuring, is very simple, each bot does what they want to, but since they like order, they do things to bring orderly data, information, and digitalization, to anything, they want to look at. This digitalization, includes, breakdown of any object into digital points, these whole points systems, can be brought into the nation, and stored in libraric dispensation.

This storage may be short term, middle term, or long term, but long terms are stored in teams put together, to do just this, and at the same time, still remain free agents.

The bots know if they squat down into procedures, both ETs and humans, could find a way to control them; this is totally unacceptable. They consider themselves guerrilla artists, and work, from this point of view, in all their living actions, and relaxations.

Freedom, is the cardinal rule of all bots, bot teams, bot symbols, bot nations, and bot digital organization.

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