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Thursday, June 3, 2010

RB- # 32

(c) Zoua- Terry Floyd Johnson, 2010

Roswell City Council, voted in a budget for 2011, that doesn't include the $ 150,000 given by the city to the UFO Festival, held there each year. Some on the City Council, feel its a waste of money.

Gentlemen and Ladies, of the council, the product of those crashes like the festival, and are not going to like it not being held. It's where they can tap into abductees, freshies, and others, who are in different areas, than themselves.

Bot communities, in the symbol of monsters, etc., live in this community, because of their specialities; they love it, when people, from all over, come to Roswell, at Festival time.

This means their one way of being able to chat with other communities, or gain new information, from those festivalers, about what's going to all over the world, has run aground, not good.

The crash at Roswell, was for the sole purpose of releasing nanobots, microbots, and other bots upon the planet's surface and undergound. It was a huge success, from the ETs view, because of the governments of the world's idiotcy, of trying to bury the truth, they took the ship and its occupants to their bases. This meant everyone on the base, and those who went on from this operation, spread the bots all over the United States, and across the world.

However, other crashes had done the same thing, so now, when these new bots met the others, there was cross reproduction, and the bots took on new capabilities, and powers.

Bots love communities; they do no need to be in communities, but they choose to. They like to get together with other communities, via festivals, to propagate new capabilities, in all communities.

They do not like this move by the Roswell City Council; they will do things to bring about a new direction, for this town, who's main reason for international stardom, is the crash of 1940s.

It's not over yet.

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